After communication with a neighborhood representative of Fleur de Marie, a need for food provision for residents with minimal resources was identified. 1 day after, thanks to the humble help of a handful of concerned citizens, entrepreneurs at Workspot and Vreugdenhil supermarket, the initiators of were able to provide fast help.

Some aid-organizations are doing amazing work, their help reaches many. But due to the immense request there are also some households still waiting after 2-3 weeks. This seemed to be the case in Fleur de Marie, a small residential neighborhood in Scharloo Abou. We received a list of 11 households in urgent need.

That’s when the initiators of the Digital Platform Scharloo Abou sprung to action and with the help of a small group of citizens & entrepreneurs concerned with this specific district we managed to deliver, not 11 but 20, food packages the next day! Because we know that besides those 11 in need, there are others there that don’t have much either. Our contact in the neighborhood has close contact with all inhabitants and knows what the needs are right now. Most of the extra food packages have been delivered to the families with kids. We received the feedback that the inhabitants were extremely grateful for this fast action to help.

This would not have been possible without the cooperation and sponsoring of 5 packages & 10% discount by Vreugdenhil supermarket, whose family lived in Scharloo Abou decades ago. The other 15 packages were possible through kind donations by several entrepreneurs who (usually) work from Workspot, the flex office in Scharloo Abou. Besides them also a handful of other citizens donated to the cause. We thank each and everyone for their cooperation and contributions to make this action a success!

In addition, if you have the financial room to support, we encourage everyone to donate to initiatives like The Daily Meal Program or De Voedselbank or take action yourself. If you want to help specifically in district Scharloo Abou and Fleur de Marie you can also contact us directly through this website. We have reached out to those official organizations to inform when the people in this neighborhood get further help and we hope regular help will reach the neighborhood soon, in the meantime we will keep an extra eye out to make sure the community is ok.

Other organisations you can donate to:
Samenwerkende Hulporganisaties Curaçao >
De Voedselbank Curaçao >
The Daily Meal Program (Facebook) >