First Scharloo Abou was partly a place for wharfs and warehouses and partly used for farming. The wharfs in this district were also used for shipbuilding and repair. After a strong hurricane destroyed many of the villas of jewish families in Pietermaai, so they looked for a safer location and many moved to Scharloo and Scharloo Abou.
Scharloo Abou has grown in popularity the last years. Different individuals and organizations have chosen Scharloo Abou as a place to start with something new.
To make this website and social media about Scharloo Abou possible businesses in Scharloo Abou and organisations in and connected to this district have been approached to support this initiative.
Scharloo Abou is part of a greater cluster of districts, like Pietermaai, Punda and Otrobanda. This is where the first settlers started a new life.